First and foremost, we want to clarify—we’re not recruiters. 

We have a beef with anyone who would fill a position just to make a buck. Spending time on both sides of the picture will do that for you. 

As business owners, we want to put the right person in the role the FIRST time—Excellent workers and high retention rates mean we’re able to grow, invest in people, and see the mission and vision of our company come to fruition. 

As members of the workforce, we spend at least 30% of our lives doing our jobs. We want to LOVE the work we do. Fulfillment shouldn’t be limited to hobbies and free time. When a person is doing what they were uniquely created to do, they do more of it BETTER. 

But it goes even deeper than that for us. 


First and foremost, we want to clarify—we’re not recruiters. 

We have a beef with anyone who would fill a position just to make a buck. Spending time on both sides of the picture will do that for you. 

As business owners, we want to put the right person in the role the FIRST time—Excellent workers and high retention rates mean we’re able to grow, invest in people, and see the mission and vision of our company come to fruition. 

As members of the workforce, we spend at least 30% of our lives doing our jobs. We want to LOVE the work we do. Fulfillment shouldn’t be limited to hobbies and free time. When a person is doing what they were uniquely created to do, they do more of it BETTER. 

But it goes even deeper than that for us. 

Shaina Keren
Career Consultant 

Shaina Keren is a Career Consultant and Success Strategist focusing on the intersection between career-bound individuals and talent optimized businesses. Her  in-depth scientific approach to aptitude testing allows motivated employees insight into their God-given talents and their practical application for the work-force. Shaina’s career path guidance ensures long-term career satisfaction that translates into unparalleled workplace synergy.

Malky Weinberger
Talent Matching Specialist

Malky Weinberger is a Business Organizer, Software Specialist, and Co-Founder of ProjX. She understands the multifaceted needs of any business and is known as “the problem solver” for business owners who need software solutions to manage their growing teams and simplify inconvenient business processes. A workflow and project management expert, she researches software options and implements intuitive automations, and evaluates staffing needs to reduce stress, increase productivity, and contribute to workplace satisfaction.

Gitty Chein
Recruitment Liasion

Gitty Chein is a Business Solutions expert with a focus on the hiring and onboarding process. Her experience as a seasoned production coordinator and implementation specialist allows her unique insight into the staffing-solutions, systems, and processes that create optimal productivity. Gitty’s expertise is her ability to create alignment between employee strengths and responsibilities. As our Recruitment Liaison, she works closely with employers to determine their hiring needs and implement staffing strategies that will result in long-term gains.

Together, we understand people and businesses—from the inside out.


What we’ve found is that recruiters are doing a disservice to businesses and job seekers alike—because they don’t consider all the factors when placing a candidate.

As a boutique talent matching agency, our uniqueness is in our ability to place the right person in the right position using:

→ Data and analysis based on high level aptitude testing

→ A longer list of preferences (for employers and employees)

→ Our knowledge of current trends in the marketplace

We don’t just listen to what you’re looking for in your candidates and employers; we REALLY hear you. We won’t send anyone your way unless they’ve been through our thorough vetting/testing process and match your position based on their skill, aptitudes, experience, and/or talent.

Our track record shows that employers are happier when their employees are well-suited to their task, their work environment, and the company culture.

It’s not just about qualifications. It’s about finding tailor-made jobs that suit dynamic human beings.

We’re human connectors. For us, it’s important to get it right the first time.


What we’ve found is that recruiters are doing a disservice to businesses and job seekers alike—because they don’t consider all the factors when placing a candidate.

As a boutique talent matching agency, our uniqueness is in our ability to place the right person in the right position using:

→ Data and analysis based on high level aptitude testing

→ A longer list of preferences (for employers and employees)

→ Our knowledge of current trends in the marketplace

We don’t just listen to what you’re looking for in your candidates and employers; we REALLY hear you. We won’t send anyone your way unless they’ve been through our thorough vetting/testing process and match your position based on their skill, aptitudes, experience, and/or talent.

Our track record shows that employers are happier when their employees are well-suited to their task, their work environment, and the company culture.

It’s not just about qualifications. It’s about finding tailor-made jobs that suit dynamic human beings.

We’re human connectors. For us, it’s important to get it right the first time.